Virtual Wellness Centre

Event Date:

April 30, 2020

Event Time:

7:00 am

Event Location:

Facebook Group

Welcome to The Wellness Lounge, your very own virtual wellness centre.

We know you can’t come to us, so sit back and let us come to you. We are a team of wellness coaches, therapists & advocates dotted around Ireland, passionate about educating & supporting you online. We invite you to join us in our journey to help you and your families to navigate through this time. Each day a different wellness advocate will share their strategies with you. There will be Q&A’s, live videos, special guest interviews, fun challenges & LOTS of support.

We are in this together and together we are stronger


Join us daily on

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Total Seats: 1000 | Left: 1000
  • Facebook Group

Event Schedule Details

  • April 30, 2020 7:00 am April 6, 2021 11:00 pm
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