Boundaries & Balanced Lifestyle
I’m Gillian, & I help people to implement clear boundaries to support a healthy & balanced lifestyle

Specialising in Burnout Recovery, Stress Management, Self-Care, Meditation, Boundaries, Values & Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Boundaries & Balanced Lifestyle
I’m Gillian, & I help people to implement clear boundaries to support a healthy & balanced lifestyle

Specialising in Burnout Recovery, Stress Management, Self-Care, Meditation, Boundaries, Values & Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

The Burnout Solution
New Coaching Program
Balance| Boundaries | Non-Negotiables
Having clear boundaries is essential for our well-being. Through my work as a coach and through my own personal development, I have discovered that many people have a huge resistance to saying no to others, and prioritising their own needs. Have you ever wondered why you do this? If so, this program is for you.
Key Concepts :
- Work-Life Balance – Is it a myth or reality?
- Burnout does not just happen in the workplace
- 360 Wellness Audit
- Values & Beliefs
- Non-Negotiables
- Boundaries
- Mindset Mastery
- Recognise your Stress Response
- Stress Management Techniques
By the end of this program, you will:
- Understand what BALANCE means to you and identify areas of improvement.
- Have an awareness of TOXIC PRODUCTIVITY
- Understand what is blocking you from achieving a more balanced lifestyle.
- Move beyond the flawed concept that work must be in competition with life.
- Have an AWARENESS of your stress responses and learn tools to manage.
Through my programs & coaching, I will help you to discover the 3 A’s of transformation, to become your BEST SELF.
What does Wellness mean to you?
There are many areas of our life that feed into us feeling well. Have you ever examined where you are thriving and where could you use some work? Take the Wheel of Life quiz to become clear on the changes you need, to feel an optimum level of wellness.

My Story
I woke up every morning thinking and feeling like something was missing from my life. I was unaware that my mind was programmed to focus on what I lacked as opposed to feeling gratitude for what I had. Being trapped in a lack mind-set, meant I missed out on so many opportunities to experience joy and celebrate the successes in my life, therefore preventing me from achieving my true potential! Upon reflection I had absolutely no boundaries and therefore no balance in my life.
What is your story?
Become a member of The Wellness Lounge and access courses,
programs and strategies to re-write your story.
Tips to Get You Started
Inhale for 4
Hold for 7
Exhale for 8
Spend time in nature
Ground yourself
Breathe in new fresh air
Breath out your worries and stress
Feel connected to yourself and your surroundings
Keep a journal
Write 3 things to be grateful for everyday
Each evening reflect on how your day went
Reframe your thoughts
See your challenges as opportunities for change and growth

Create your own morning routine and begin to notice the positive impact it has on your day. Waking up earlier than usual will give you ample time to focus on your goals and conquer the day with more energy, mindfulness and strength. Try it!
Start your day in a positive way
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