The Boundary Masterclass – the art of boundary setting to create balance

Have you ever wondered how you dispense your time and energy? Do you feel tired a lot but even sleeping doesn’t make a difference? Do you struggle with decision making, fearing if the choice you make is the right thing or not? Do you wake up with an overwhelming to do list and feel like one day blends into another? Are you aware of what’s important to you and if you are creating the time and energy to do more of that? If any of the above resonates with you, you may have an issue with setting boundaries, and that’s OK, as this is more common than you realise. The important thing is to become aware that you can say no and still feel safe.


“My name is Gillian O’Gorman, and I help people becoming more comfortable in saying no to time and energy wasters. Peoples’ fear in saying no can be deep rooted in the belief ‘I am not good enough’, causing them to say yes to others and no to themselves, in the hope they will be loved and accepted. This is an unconscious behaviour that can go unnoticed for many years, as we believe its safer to be “nice”. This shows up in both personal and professional relationships, resulting in burnout and losing our sense of self, I know because this was me and I want to show you how I discovered the value in saying no. 


When we start to develop a deeper sense of self and become aware of beliefs we hold that may be holding us back, we can experience breakthroughs and begin to say YES to ourselves more and more. Having individual needs is not wrong and when those needs go unmet, over and over, that will create stress responses such as FIGHT, FLIGHT, FREEZE or FAWN. When we make choices from a place of stress we can self abandon and get stuck in a destructive loop, ultimately burning out.

Join me on the 17th September, where I will teach you how to recognise your patterns and become aware of your time & energy wasters

The Self Transformers

By the end of this 90 minute program you will begin to:

  • Understand what BALANCE means to you and have identified areas of improvement
  • Become aware of what you value and how you wish to dispense your TIME & ENERGY
  • Have defined your list of NON-NEGOTIABLES
  • Understand the challenges that may arise that may block you from achieving a more balanced lifestyle
  • Practice NO statements
  • Have an AWARENESS of your stress response (fight, flight, freeze or fawn), and how to overcome
  • Have a knowledge of mindset strategies to build resilience and self-love
  • Each participant will receive a recording of the webinar and a complimentary workbook to dive into this work further 
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Total Seats: 30

Event Schedule Details

  • September 17, 2023 11:00 am 12:30 pm
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